lib3dkit / threeDKit

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From: Johannes Zellner (
Date: Fri 05 May 2000 - 13:14:18 IDT


some time ago I wrote a linux console terminal driver for
gnuplot (a scientific plotting program) using some routines
of the threeDKit which is distributed with the svgalib source.
Recently I created a CVS branch in the gnuplot source, see
which contains this terminal driver.
As the stuff in svgalib's threeDKit comes with the GPL, it was
not possible to include it into the gnuplot source as this
would conflict with the gnuplot license.  Therefore I packed
the contents of the threeDKit subdirectory into a standalone
package `lib3dkit', see
now, as this library seems to be pretty useful: are there plans
to make this an official lib, I mean as it comes with the
svgalib source it would not be a big task to make it there
an *installable* library.

If there would be an agreement to include lib3dkit as installable library
I'd volunteer to set the stuff up (the automake/autoconf/libtool stuff).

btw. Is there something like a CVS repository of the latest source ?

best regards,


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