RE: Mouse routines

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From: Cristian Sanchez (
Date: Sat 15 Apr 2000 - 18:12:00 IDT

I have done something like that and I used gl_getbox() and gl_putbox() to
capure and restore the pixels "begind" the mouse pointer, these routines
are very fast but they don't make a really smooth flow of the mouse pointer
but It helps.
I think you should use them to capture and restore image portions. For a
faster way to draw the mouse pointer you can use gl_setpixel().
If you want I can send you mi source code.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: viscous liquid <>
Para: Svgalib-list <>
Fecha: Viernes 14 de Abril de 2000 12:08
Asunto: Mouse routines

>in my current application I am trying to display a
>mouse pointer.  Now I have tried doing copying the
>setion of the screen where I am about to display mouse
>then I display the mouse.  I have tried to ways to
>draw the mouse, one is to do a gl_putboxmask(), and
>second I have tried literally doing a series of
>gl_hline() and gl_setpixel().  Both of these methods
>cause the mouse to be very jumpy, I don't get a smooth
>flow of the mouse across the screen.  I have tried to
>play with the sample rate to see if this helps but it
>doesn't seem to help.  So does anyone know of some
>faster ways of drawing the mouse or other ways to help
>smooth out the mouse flow.
>Daniel Smith
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