Mouse routines

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From: viscous liquid (
Date: Fri 14 Apr 2000 - 18:00:39 IDT

in my current application I am trying to display a
mouse pointer.  Now I have tried doing copying the
setion of the screen where I am about to display mouse
then I display the mouse.  I have tried to ways to
draw the mouse, one is to do a gl_putboxmask(), and
second I have tried literally doing a series of
gl_hline() and gl_setpixel().  Both of these methods
cause the mouse to be very jumpy, I don't get a smooth
flow of the mouse across the screen.  I have tried to
play with the sample rate to see if this helps but it
doesn't seem to help.  So does anyone know of some
faster ways of drawing the mouse or other ways to help
smooth out the mouse flow.

Daniel Smith

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