Intelli explorer?

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From: Pásztor Szilárd (
Date: Fri 07 Apr 2000 - 18:21:54 IST

Excuse me if it was a topic earlier, but is there a driver for the Microsoft
intellimouse explorer? This rat has 5 buttons, a wheel and no ball ("red
light mouse"). I have seen something in the 4.0 X source but only for the
pS2 mose. This mouse can connect to both the usb port and ps2. However,
there seems to be an inner limit of the mouse which maxes its samplerate at
100Hz for PS/2. So the USB type support would be nice.

I'd be happy to assist in writing this driver if it doesn't exist but the
problem is that I don't have this mouse myself. :)

         |  I have to take care of myself well because there's only  |
         |     one out of me. Others have numerical superiority,     |
         |             they are much easier to replace.              |

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