Re: preparing svgalib for gdb

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From: Christian Groessler (
Date: Thu 22 Oct 1998 - 16:23:23 IST


>No, I missed that one.  I've removed all the '-s'es now and uncommented
'strip' in the top Makefile, but I still can't step into any library
>functions (while I *can* step through test programs).  What else do I need
to do to run the debugger on the library functions?

I just checked, if I have a compiled with -g I *can* for example
"step" into vga_init(),
which is already in the lib.
But when vga_init() calls __svgalib_open_devconsole() a "step" steps over
it ?? Hmm.
A workaround is to set a breakpoint to __svgalib_open_devconsole() then it
will break
at the first instruction of this function. Cumbersome, not nice, but works.
FYI, I used gdb4.16.


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