preparing svgalib for gdb

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From: Mithras (
Date: Mon 19 Oct 1998 - 14:39:18 IST

I've been configuring svgalib for linux box, and been trying to debug a
test program with gdb in particular.  (I've never gotten SVGA to work
before, so I figured I may as well dive in & see what the code was
-doing-.)  Unfortunately, each time I've rebuilt the svgalib distribution
I get 'no debugging symbols found'.  I've written a hello.c to check that
gdb & gcc do work together on my system, I've reinstalled gdb & gcc, and
I've removed the optimization flags from Makefile.cfg, but I *still* can't
debug testaccel (or fun, or accel, or vgatest, etc)

Would anybody here know how I could use gdb with svgalib?

thanks in advance,

Ben Taylor

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