some flickering with svgalib and also opengl

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From: Berlin Brown (
Date: Sun 23 Feb 2003 - 23:13:50 IST

I have two questions.

First when I do movement with svgalib, I get some flickering only at the top 
of the screen.  I am using vgagl and porting it to standard vga and get the 
same result. And I already used similar code in vgagl.  And this is 
basically a line that crawls down the screen.  The only problem is that 
there is some weird flickering when it travels down the screen.  Any ideas?  
I think this a graphics programming problem maybe not a svgalib problem.

                for (j = 0; j < 240; j++)
                        __memset(doublebuf+(j*320), 0, 320);
                } // end of the for

                __memset(doublebuf+(320*20)+0, 128, 300);
                __memset(doublebuf+(320*10)+0, 64, 300);

                vga_copytoplanar256(doublebuf, 320, 0,
                                        (320 / 4),320, 240);

        } // end of the while

Also, I was thinking, since svgalib has some x-windows code in it.  is it 
possible to add the opengl support for hardware acceleration.  I know this 
is an extra-extra feature.  I figure if X-windows does it, svgalib should be 

Berlin Brown

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