svgalib1.9.17 and valgrind

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From: James Wright (
Date: Sun 09 Feb 2003 - 18:21:58 IST


   I have just downloaded the "valgrind" memory checking software, to test for mem-leaks in my svgalib based program, and it seems that svgalib itself generates an aweful lot of errors. I am not sure if this is genuine problems with svgalib, or incorrect reporting by "valgrind". The very first error logged was;

==24996== valgrind-1.0.4, a memory error detector for x86 GNU/Linux.
==24996== Copyright (C) 2000-2002, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward.
==24996== Startup, with flags:
==24996==    --suppressions=/usr/local/lib/valgrind/default.supp
==24996==    -v
==24996==    --weird-hacks=lax-ioctls
==24996==    --logfile-fd=9
==24996== Reading suppressions file: /usr/local/lib/valgrind/default.supp
==24996== Reading syms from /jigsawdezign/projects/Tetrium/tetrium
==24996== Reading syms from /lib/
==24996== Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/valgrind/
==24996== Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/
==24996== Reading syms from /lib/
==24996== Reading syms from /lib/
==24996== Estimated CPU clock rate is 1334 MHz
==24996== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==24996==    at 0x402596D4: ??? (/unpacked/svgalib-1.9.17/src/vgapci.c:47)
==24996== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==24996==    at 0x402596F7: ??? (/unpacked/svgalib-1.9.17/src/vgapci.c:49)
==24996== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==24996==    at 0x4027A0C2: ??? (/unpacked/svgalib-1.9.17/src/drivers/nv3.c:637)
==24996== Use of uninitialised value of size 4
==24996==    at 0x4027A0CB: ??? (/unpacked/svgalib-1.9.17/src/drivers/nv3.c:637)

  I have had a quick look at "vgapci.c" but i cannot figure out if the memory used (buf[0] and buf[2]) are really uninitialised...  I tried setting them to 0 at the start of the function, but the same error was still produced.... 

Any ideas??


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