Disconnected from the keyboard.

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From: Kevin Quitt (KQuitt@ieeinc.com)
Date: Sun 22 Sep 2002 - 04:57:26 IDT

I'm having a problem with libVGA.  I'm using 640x480x256 mode and displaying
graphics, using page swapping.  When I exit the program, the shell is not
connected to the keyboard.  I switch to the alternate console, then switch back
and the first, I can now talk to the shell (I have to turn echo back on).

Here's how I start:

    int VGAMODE;

    VGAMODE = vga_getdefaultmode();

    if ( VGAMODE  ==  -1 )
	VGAMODE	= G640x480x256;
	if ( !vga_hasmode( VGAMODE ))
	    printf( "Mode %s not available.\n", vga_getmodename( VGAMODE ));
	    vga_setmode( TEXT );
	    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    vga_setmode( VGAMODE );
    gl_setcontextvga( VGAMODE );

And before I exit:

	vga_setmode( TEXT );

Is there anything else I should do?

The real problem is that when my program exits, the script that started it isn't
able to restart the system (this is an embedded system so there is no keyboard

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Kevin D Quitt  USA 91351-4454           96.37% of all statistics are made up
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