Compiling / topdir / prefix / dstdir / uninstall

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From: Erlend Bergsås Mikkelsen (
Date: Thu 01 Aug 2002 - 16:47:26 IDT


I have recently tried to compile a port for a distribution called
Crux (, of Svgalib. What this port does is the very same
thing ports in the bsds does - compile an application from source.

Doing so with svgalib is harder than it really needs to, because
when using another topdir than /, it is _hardcoded_ into the binaries,
and the libraries will look for configuration in this topdir. Is there
a way of preventing this kind of behavior?

Another issue is the fact that it seems that some of the uninstallation
of binaries (make uninstall, automaticly done with make install) will
delete libs in /usr/lib no matter what has been defined as a prefix.

A possible solution to this would be adding a dstdir directive, a simple
directive to where to install the binaries, manpages and such. I assume 
you know how this works, but yet I do an explanation: 

make PREFIX=/usr DSTDIR=/tmp/svgalib install

this should compile all binaries with the prefix being /usr, and configuration
being /etc, but yet install everything into /tmp/svgalib. It should also 
do ununstallation with /tmp/svgalib as rootdir.

It is very easy to add this kind of features to svgalib. I tried making a 
patch - but since I don't know all about your makefiles and how they are
structured I found it an almost impossible task to make a failsafe patch.

Another question, which I actually saw in the FAQ, but I'm not sure about
the answer is: Is SVGALIB alive? I mean it was alive in 99, that don't mean 
it's alive now :)

Thank you in advance for your answer ;)

Erlend Bergsås Mikkelsen

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