Re: More on reading .BMPs

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From: Alper Akçan (
Date: Sun 06 Jan 2002 - 02:47:59 IST

I have wrote an ugly readbmp.c .h for reading bmp files, and a function to show them on svgalib. it is based on Dr. Dobbs BMP example source. worked fine for me, may be usefull. simple code is included as attachment.
simply; gcc -o main main.c readbmp.c -lvgagl -lvga; ./main

int gl_showbmpfile(char *file, int x, int y, int xo, int yo, int w, int h)

 * (x,y) 
 *     o---------------------------------  w
 *     |
 *     |      (xo,yo)
 *     |            o------  w
 *   h |         h  |
 *     |            |
 *     |
 *     |
 * Usage is like gl_putboxpart.
 * If you like to show image, at position (x,y), as it is;
 * gl_showbmpfile(char *file, x, y, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 * Or to show some part of the image to the ends of its dimentions
 * at position (x,y);
 * gl_showbmpfile(char *file, x, y, xo, yo, NULL, NULL);
 * Last, to show some part of the with w, h at position (x,y);
 *  gl_showbmpfile(char *file, x, y, xo, yo, w, h);


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