Re: SVGAlib upgrade

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From: Matan Ziv-Av (
Date: Thu 27 Jul 2000 - 23:41:46 IDT

> When installing 1.4.1 with previously existing 1.3.1 on the machine
> do I need to do "make uninstall" or "make clean"?

make clean cleans the current source tree, so it is irrelevant to a
previously installed version.
make uninstall will only remove files that make install will write, so
you gain nothing by using it.

make install tries to remove old versions. If it fails (because they are
not in the path listed in the makefile) you might have problems -
program will use older svgalib, even though you installed a newer
one. To make sure you don't have that problem, after you run make
install, look for all*, and make sure that no
is left. You might also need to look for vga*.h, and make sure only one
set (from 1.4.1) is left.

If you are not interested in trying the pre-patches, you might find it
easier to install a package. If your system uses debian packages, than
the latest from Andy Mortimer (the Debian svgalib package maintainer) is
1.4.1. If you have a RPM based system, then at least mandrake have 1.4.1

Matan Ziv-Av.               

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