gl_putbox( )

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From: Andreas Brosten (
Date: Sun 23 Apr 2000 - 18:38:52 IDT

Hi all ! 
I have some problem with the gl_putbox() funktion. 
if I have an image "image.pxm" in the program directory, 
i write like this: 
#include "image.pxm" 
int main() 
 putbox(1,1,50,50,image_name);  // if the size is 50*50 
Ok, a 50*50 image is drawn on the screen, but it's hardly 
the image I would like to see. The image I get looks like some randomed out pixels in different colors. Do I hade the wrong palette? In case, how do I correct it? and how do I set a color to "none" (Transparent). 
That's all for this time =) Thanx, and bye ! 

Andreas Brosten
ICQ (UIN): 1570457

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