How can I switch VC in a multi-thread application?

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From: WEI Yongming (
Date: Mon 13 Dec 1999 - 04:50:53 IST

Hi, all:

    I am trying to write a small GUI support library based on svgalib and
LinuxThreads. I know that svgalib used two signals to handle VC switching,
which are confilict with LinuxThreads. So I modified svgalib to use other
signals such as SIGUNUSED. And now, my program can handle multiple 
windows correctly. However, I can't switch VC when I am running my 
programs which based on my GUI library. 

     How can I switch VC safely in my programs?


WEI Yongming

WEI Yongming, a programmer, a GNU/Linux fan, and a dreamer.

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