Re: fonts

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From: ivan (
Date: Sun 14 Nov 1999 - 07:33:08 IST

At 19:12 13/11/99 +0200, Matan Ziv-Av wrote:
>I adapted the freetype-1.2 test programs to display on svgalib (it only
>required changing one file).
>It should be enough to get started for anyone who wants to use truetype
>fonts with an svgalib program.

great work matan - it's very useful and very much needed.

i've been trying to find time to do something like this myself (don't know
how you do it :)).

thanks a lot for your efforts - if you're working on svgalib projects other
than the svgalib itself let me know - i'd like the opportunity to assist.

i've been contemplating an svgalib based wysiwyg word processor (which is
why i've been trying to find time for freetype !) - is anyone working on
something along these lines at the moment or is there an orphaned project
somewhere that i might be able to take over ???


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