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From: ivan (
Date: Wed 29 Sep 1999 - 04:33:08 IST

At 18:40 28/09/99 -0300, Cristian Sanchez wrote:
>    Is there any function that allows to put BMP  files on screen?  
>Thanks!   Cristian   

PS. don't ever, not even once by accident, send html to linux related
mailing lists :)

most linux mail programs choke on html and just display it as text complete
with the formatting commands etc. - this makes it really difficult to read.

if you want people to read your questions and give you answers then you
should only ever use plain text.

sorry if you think i'm grouchy - i'm not - but i want to make the point
clear :)


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With source, of course, there's no other way                 |___/      
                              McDonagh Original

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