Re: SVGA Programming .

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From: Chris Atenasio (
Date: Fri 26 Mar 1999 - 19:23:14 IST

> > ...
> Due to the internal nature of svgalib, and principle constraints of
> accessing a graphics card from user mode, you simply can NOT do this.

Well, you *can* do it, just maybe not safely.  One day while I was
bored I decided to investigate into this topic.  If I remember
correctly, the easiest way was to setup the screen via svgalib, fork,
and then NEVER TOUCH ANOTHER SVGALIB CALL. :)  Other interesting
methods involved the second program mmaping 0xA0000 of /dev/mem(how I
originally did graphics programming before I really understood svgalib
heh :) and then writing to that.  You may get some funny flashing
characters when the program exits, but as long as you only touch the
frame buffer, you *should* be ok.  Now comes the safety warrenty:
NULL.  I learned most of my graphics programming from good old
DOS(disk operating system or denial of service, you decide), have
never actually written a graphics driver and know little about vga
hardware.  Dont trust me on this info, try it for yourself! :)

- Chris
Chris Atenasio <> - Friends don't let friends use Windows.
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