Re: mmap + 1.3.2 wishlist

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From: Christian Groessler (
Date: Wed 06 Jan 1999 - 12:38:59 IST

On 5/1/99 23:25:11 Matan Ziv-Av  wrote:
>> Good idea!
>I thought so :-), actually it already works, but see forward.


>> So every driver must be changed to get these things at vga_init() time
>> But it seems to beneeded to fix the problem.
>Actually, I edited al drivers, except for the et6000 driver. Of
>course, I tested only "my" drivers (apm,nv3,vesa,mx), and cirrus,
>since that is all the hardware I have.
>But since the change is small (the mx and apm drivers worked "out of
>the box") I believe all other drivers should work.

I can test chips and mach32 drivers.

>> Is this modified (test-) version available. I would like to check it
>> too.
>Tomorrow. I keep delaying that in the hope of doing the vbe3 driver.
>I'll also post to the list to the list a more complete description of
>what I have and what I want.


>Since you are the expert on memory things, maybe you can help me with
>the vbe3 driver? In order to call vesa 3 services I need to create a
>few segment selctors, and call the code as a 16 bit protected mode
>code. How do I do that?

Sorry, I cannot help with that. I can only suggest that you look at
dosemu or wine code, as it should do similar things.


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