Re: mmap + 1.3.2 wishlist

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From: Matan Ziv-Av (
Date: Wed 06 Jan 1999 - 00:25:11 IST

> Good idea!

I thought so :-), actually it already works, but see forward. 

> So every driver must be changed to get these things at vga_init() time :-(
> But it seems to beneeded to fix the problem.

Actually, I edited al drivers, except for the et6000 driver. Of
course, I tested only "my" drivers (apm,nv3,vesa,mx), and cirrus,  
since that is all the hardware I have.
But since the change is small (the mx and apm drivers worked "out of
the box") I believe all other drivers should work.

> >The problem is that testlinear fails with a SegFault. I tried a
> >simpler program that uses linear, and found out that if I use the
> >exact mmap in my program, Itworked, i.e.
> >vbuf=mmap(...); works, while
> >vbuf=LINEAR_POINTER; fails.
> What is LINEAR_POINTER? The virtual address of the linear buffer
> mapped at vga_init() time?

The problem was that there was a valloc in vgamisc.c that changed the
virtual address of the linear frame buffer in background mode. I fixed
by removing it and it still works on nv3 in linear mode both with

> >If anyone can tell me the reason, or has another idea for closing
> >/dev/mem at initialization time, I'd like to hear it.
> No idea, but a question: -)
> Is this modified (test-) version available. I would like to check it out,
> too.

Tomorrow. I keep delaying that in the hope of doing the vbe3 driver.
I'll also post to the list to the list a more complete description of
what I have and what I want.

My version supports new modes (320x240, 400x300, 512x384, 960x720),
and surprisingly those work with QuakeII.  

Since you are the expert on memory things, maybe you can help me with
the vbe3 driver? In order to call vesa 3 services I need to create a
few segment selctors, and call the code as a 16 bit protected mode
code. How do I do that?

Matan Ziv-Av.

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