Re: SVGALib and Matrox Millenium II support??

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From: Michael Weller (
Date: Thu 02 Apr 1998 - 21:57:52 IDT

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Jordan =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=A0 ?= wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone had Svgalib configured to work with the Matrox 
> Millenium II I can't seem to find anyone that has it configured
> to work...  Well please email me back or just post to the group...
> Maybe there is a site with MMII SVGALib support..

No, there is no such site. Also, I don't think if I mentioned it on the
list already, I was offered a nice system, but with a Matrox card, I asked
Matrox for the necessary info to code such a driver. Well, like we say in
Germany: No answer is also an answer.

Anyway, you saw that somethign is done on a kind of vesa support. Well, to
calrify terms here, it is still very difficult, if not impossible to call
the vesa card's bios from linux. However, ARK wrote a DOS-tool which more
or less automagically reverse engineers the BIOS by tracing all I/o calls
it makes. It will not work in all cases, and he also still works a bit on
that. But, at some point it might work for the matrox... or maybo not.. who

Honestly, my opinion on Matrox is: I did not take that otherwise good
offer for a machine, and I'll never buy a Matrox product, actually, now
where there are these 3d accelerators out, there are plenty of other
choices (get a well working 2d card plus a seperate 3d accel, some of
which are even supported by certain linux apps). If I were you, I'd return
the card, next time buy one which is documented to be supported.



Michael Weller:,,
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