Re: SVGAlib

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From: Michael Weller (
Date: Mon 16 Mar 1998 - 13:05:11 IST

On Sat, 14 Mar 1998, Matan Ziv-Av wrote:

> Hello, 
> sorry if you are the wrong person for this, but if so, please
> refer me to the right person, if you know who that is.
> I have written a svgalib driver for at3d chipset. How do I go on about
> finding testers, and the adding it to the svgalib release?

For the first, go ask people, you could subscribe (send mail to with on line of 'help' in the message body) and
send a call for testers mail to You might
post a query for testers to linux-announce newsgroup as well. (This is
what I did). Also, if the first version of svgalib with your sources is
out, people with problems will mail you anyway ;-) .

For the latter thing, mail me the driver. Best of all: Get my latest
snapshot from (please keep that URL
secret, that site cannot stand massive downloads from many people),
incorporate your driver in these sources (they are virutally identical to
1.2.13) (this avoids me doing it instead of you w/o any knowledge about
your card and drivers). 

Then, unpack the original sources you got from me in another dir and mail
me the output of: diff -crN <orignal source base dir> <your modified
source base dir>. 

Well, probably gzip it to conserve bandwidth and ensure integral
transmission of the data.

I'll then join it with my sources and redistribute it with the next

Thanx for your contribution!


(^                                                          )
(+---   For the browser damaged young people: THIS IS A SIG!)
(Michael Weller:,,
 or even If you encounter an eowmob account on
 any machine in the net, it's very likely it's me)

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