Re: hr7.1, matrox g450, cannot open /dev/svga

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From: Matan Ziv-Av (
Date: Tue 24 Apr 2001 - 17:17:40 IDT

> I get this error with svgalib 1.9.5-5
> svgalib: Cannot open /dev/svga
> It happens when i try to start "./qf-client-svga"
> Thats a quakeforge client.
> I tried 'insmod svgalib_helper'
> But i get the error that it is for a other kernel version.
> There is no svgalib_helper.o in /lib/modules/2.4.2-2

This is certainly some sort of RedHat bug. Also, I don't know why they
chose to use 1.9.5 (which is defined to be pre-alpha).

> I have Red Hat 7.1 just installed
> Kernel 2.4.2-2
> svgalib 1.9.5-5 and svgalib-devel 1.9.5-5 installed
> The videocard is a Matrox G450
> Mainboard Asus cusl2-c
> Any idea how to solve this ??

In any case, G450 is not supported in 1.9.5.
What you need to do is:

* Download the latest version (1.9.8 or 1.4.3-pre) from
* Install by running make installsharedlib, which will only install the
  shared libraries, not include files and man pages which are already


This will probably remove the binaries of the libc5 linked svgalib, so
you might want to reinstall them later (on Mandrake that's in package

If you choose 1.9.8, you also need to install the driver. Change to
directory kernel/svgalib_helper, make sure that the headers of the
kernel you are running are in /use/src/linux/include (or edit the
makefile for INCLUDEDIR to point to the correct headers, and type
make. You might also need to do make device, in case /dev/svga is not
the correct device node.

Matan Ziv-Av.               

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