Re: threeDKit

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From: Matan Ziv-Av (
Date: Fri 25 Aug 2000 - 20:19:58 IDT

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, salazar wrote:

> How can I use the threeDKit? (I don't know).
> Can you write mea short sample (by sample with gl_striangle), and tell
> me, how can I compile it?.

The source includes two dmo programs (plane. and wrapdemo). They are not
very short,bu are quite clear.
To compile a program it needs to include 3dkit.h and 3dinit.h, and you
must link it to the object files: 
3dinit.o 3dkit.o wrapsurf.o quickmath.o triangle.o 
striangle.o wtriangle.o swtriangle.o

To do it simple, take the copy the wrapdemo lines in the makefile,
replacing wrapdemo with your program's name.

> When is prever the new version the svgalib? (this than work without need the be
> root).

This feature is going to be in svgalib-2.0, currently the alpha version
is 1.9.5.

Matan Ziv-Av.               

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