console question

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From: Patrick Mochel (
Date: Fri 14 Jul 2000 - 18:56:17 IDT

When I run svgalib, it switches to another console.  When I am done doing
svgalib things, I want to switch back right away to the first console, but
svgalib doesn't seem to have support for this.  It stays on that console
until the program exits, then it switches back to the first console.

the purpose to to print things out and leave them on the screen when the
program is done.  When it swtches to the new console, it leaves the things
that are printed after svgalib is done on the new console, and not on the
original one.  I've wrote a workaround, but it's mainly just an ugly hack,
and I would like a more graceful to do do this than;

FILE *outputfd;
outputfd = fopen ("/dev/tty0","w");

fprintf (outputfd,"all messages");

Is there a cleaner way to do this?   Is there someway to determine 
the console that svgalib is running on and close it?




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