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From: viscous liquid (
Date: Fri 21 Apr 2000 - 23:30:17 IDT

Hey all,

   I have this little project I have been working on
for few months now.  At first it was going to a
personal project, but it now seems that after July I
will only able to work on it sparcely or even not at
all for atleast a year.  I was hoping that I could get
a few of you to start helping me get it to alpha stage
before July and then one of you to take over the
project completely until I can start working on it
again.  Before I go any further let explain what the
project is.

Currently unamed, I am trying to develop a "grahpical
shell".  The idea is not to develop a windowing system
per say, but just a shell, like bash, csh, ksh,...
what  ever your choice may be, except it will be
graphical.  Basicly it will be like midnight commander
but with a better interface.

I have a lot of great ideas that I would like to
implement into it but as of right now I very little
code written for it.  Currently this is now written
specification written, this will be the first thing
done if I can find some people to join.  As soon as I
find people interested I will start a project at
sourceforge and make an initial announcement on
Freshmeat.   So if you think this is a great idea
please let me know A.S.A.P.  That away we can hurry up
and get the specification done and get everyone

Daniel Smith

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