Keyboard problem

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From: Pásztor Szilárd (
Date: Sun 02 Apr 2000 - 07:08:06 IST


  My problem is quite odd but big.
I want to use an application that sits on X as a graphical output but uses
svgalib for keyboard and mouse handling. With getting X to use /dev/gpmdata
as a fake mouse device (and thus not touching /dev/mouse actually), mouse
handling works perfectly. However, I couldn't do this to the keyboard so far.
I needed to hack the X server source in order to have it leave the keyboard
free and I hope I succeeded in it. The bigger trouble comes when initializing
the keyboard because it calls __svgalib_open_devconsole() which initializes
graphical output as well but I don't need it. So I commented out some parts
in this function of svgalib and here's what I have at its current state:

    if ((__svgalib_tty_fd = open("/dev/console", O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
        printf("svgalib: can't open /dev/console \n");
    ioctl(__svgalib_tty_fd, VT_OPENQRY, &svgalib_vc);

    sprintf(fname, "/dev/tty%d", svgalib_vc);

        if (svgalib_vc != vts.v_active) {
            startup_vc = vts.v_active;
            ioctl(__svgalib_tty_fd, VT_ACTIVATE, svgalib_vc);

These lines are the last part of the function with the initial RDWR open
changed to RDONLY and the whole "allocated virtual console" part commented
out. I know little about svgalib itself so I might have done incorrect

The problem is that I seem to have no keyboard input with svgalib, I get the
characters typed in appearing "behind" X on the same console. Specifically, I
start the X server for example on /dev/tty10, start the proggy that opens its
window and works but whatever I do, no keyboard access. I terminate the X
server and then see my tries typed into the console just where X was closed.
So, it looks like it is opening the terminal but can't fetch the input from
it. Keyboard handler function is set properly.

I'd really appreciate any help on what I'm doing wrong.


p.s. keyboard and mouse handling of X is not acceptable in this case (X based

                  |   "..." - James LaBrie, Hell's Kitchen   |

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