Re: console use framebuffer

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From: Tony Nugent (
Date: Thu 30 Mar 2000 - 09:39:57 IST

On Thu Mar 30 2000 at 09:10, "Mitja Semolic" wrote:

> Content-Type: text/html;
> 	charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Don't use text/html and quoted-UNprintable for sending email.  Turn
that off in your outrage excess mailer.

> Content-Type: text/plain;
> 	charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> I change console text video mode for a vesa framebuffer. But now the =
> svga is not initialized properly. There is some junk on screen!

  Never use the framebuffer if you intend to use svgalib programs.

  The framebuffer has a lot of potential uses, but it is currently
  rather immature and little real practical value other than forcing
  way cool very high text console resolutions and a tux or two
  (depending on the number of processors) on the screen during bootup.

  But at the moment is it not worth using on a regular basis as it is
  problematic... incompatable with svgalib and risky with X.  Things
  will change in time of course.

  Actually, there is now a bunch of guys re-writing the console driver
  code with the aim to get it into the 2.5.x devel series kernels.
  Different resolutions per console, a *real* scrollback buffer,
  cursor tweaking, stuff like that.

  You might want to look at GGI (general graphics interface) if you
  are keen on this sort of stuff.


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