some svgalib problems

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From: vijo (
Date: Mon 20 Mar 2000 - 08:32:06 IST

hi guys,

 1. first of all I am not on the list, please forward your answers to me.
and I am sorry for using webmail(actually I have no other way to reach you guys now)...
 2. vga_init() seems to be using both SIG{USR1,USR2} But I have a text console based program which uses these signals to manage the VC-switch.
With vga_init() I am loosing the control over these signals. Is there way not to let svgalib have these signal handlers. It is *absolutely* necessary for the text based program to be in full charge of VC-switch. 
(I had a glance at the svgalib source code.. but just to get things fast, can u tell me where exactly sighandlers are set up etc?)

 3. Before exiting from svgalib-based routine, calling vga_setmode(TEXT) and then trying tcsetattr() didnot change the terminal attributes. Any idea why is this?

 4. What is the rationale behind starting vga on the current VC? Why not use the XFree86 way of getting hold of a new vt? that way, programs can have better control of vcs..

thanx in advance,
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