Re: mouse_waitforupdate

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From: Jay Link (
Date: Thu 16 Mar 2000 - 08:04:17 IST

> I recently decided to have a playw ith svgalib and for the life of me I cant
> work out why the attached bit of code doesnt work. It's so stupidly simple
> that it should work! The docs imply that mouse_waitforupdate will block
> until something happens, yet it refuses to block or return any x/y coords...
> could you guide me in the right direction so I can move on and actually do
> something productive with it?:) 

Hello John,

Thanks for writing.

Mainly, the answer you're looking for is that  vga_setmousesupport(1)
should come *before*  vga_setmode(1).

However, some other things should be noted:

* You should #include <vgamouse.h>
* You don't need mouse_setdefaulteventhandler()
* mouse_close() is unnecessary if you initialize the mouse with
* Since you aren't taking any command line arguments, you could suffice
  with  int main(void) { }. However, if you *were* to take command line
  arguments, then it should be char *argv[]  (with brackets), or else
  maybe char **argv (I think that would work, too).

Hope that helps. Good luck!


-Jay Link

#include <stdio.h>
#include <vga.h>
#include <time.h>

// My shockingly excellent program that doesnt actually work.
int main(int argc, char* argv)
   time_t initialTime, currentTime;


   // Do this for 100 seconds
   initialTime = time(NULL);
      currentTime = time(NULL);
      printf("Mouse is at x=%d y=%d\n", mouse_getx(), mouse_gety());
   } while (currentTime < initialTime + 100);



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