Re: semicircle [OFFTOPIC]

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From: Chris Atenasio (
Date: Wed 01 Dec 1999 - 22:38:11 IST

> 2) Now, the second problem is that your (or, Bresenham's) circle looks
> good in 320 x 200 modes, but in a more modern 4/3 mode (i.e. 640 x 480),
> it looks a little skewed. Contrast this with gl_circle(), which looks ok
> in 4/3 modes, but looks bad in 320 x 200.

Really?  Even after screwing with SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT?

> Perhaps there is a way to iron out either one of these to look good in all
> resolutions, perhaps by using vga_getxdim()? Or, they could be combined
> into one super-function, where if vga_getxdim() = 320 then do Bresenham's,
> otherwise do the modified gl_circle().

They both look like the same algorithm to me.  The big difference is
just scaling.  The question is do you want the circle defined by pixel
radius, or actual radius.

- Chris
Chris Atenasio <> - Friends don't let friends use Windows.
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