Current VESA state

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From: Dr. Michael Weller (
Date: Wed 22 Jul 1998 - 19:10:45 IDT

Well, I combined all patches I got to the patch file above. There
are also patches with regards to egcs support in there which actually
inline the vm86 syscall. I actually like this idea, because it might help
getting rid of the vm86/vm86old, libc/glibc issue.

Alas, it requires a syscall_return macro which at least I don't have.

Would be good if someone with egcs, glibc, etc.. tried to find a way to
autodetect this.

I reenabled -fPIC for all but lrmi.c. 

Well, as I said, I didn't think compiling all demos/utils as static is
sensible. There must be another way to compile a shared lib with rpm.

Would be good if someone could test this.



Michael Weller:,,
or even If you encounter an eowmob account on
any machine in the net, it's very likely it's me.

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